Joni Tevis Discusses the Alaskan Wilderness and the Craft of Writing

Editor Hannah Fries talks with Joni Tevis about her November/December essay in Orion, “What the Body Knows.” Tevis discusses the intensity and intimacy of her Arctic journey, as well as the process of crafting the essay that came out of it.


  1. Dear Editor,
    As a newbie to Orion, I wanted to express my gratitude for promoting awareness (as is Orion’s practice) of buy local. When you consider the pros/cons of global products with their artificially enhanced delayed ripening process when we have a plethora of local farm products; when you consider a healthier more flavorful eating lifestyle – we have the choice to make the logical choice! Thank you.

    On another note, What the Body Knows by Joni Tevis took my breath away. Having lived/volunteered in Sitka, AK for a year, the realism of the vast area that is Alaska was appreciated. The passionate depth of observation in her writing is amazing – along with the “surprise” contained therein. All the articles deserve praise, but thank you Joni.

    Barbara M. Traynor

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