Place Where You Live:

Enterprise, Alabama

My Red 3500 Chevy Silverado After the Wreck

Enterprise, Alabama


            On February 4th, 2014 getting into my truck to drive to school, the sun is bright, the sky is blue, and the helicopters fly overhead. My neighbor waves, setting out for his morning jog, as I drive down my street passing the elementary school kids, waiting with their mothers for the bus to school. I make my way out of my neighborhood and onto the highway, which is beautifully clean, as usual, thanks to the efforts of the community service groups in Enterprise. Driving down the highway people wave as they pass by. I pull up to the gas station, packed from truckers, students from Enterprise High School, and people getting their morning coffee. I walk to the door as a young Army Private is walking out and he holds the door for me.  I go in to pay for my gas and Mr. Dave, the cashier, says, “Morning Mr. Watson, $20 on pump 9 as usual, I see.” With a smile, I reply,” Yes Sir,” while handing him a 20 dollar bill, wish him a good day, and head back out to my truck.  I arrive at school to find my friends had saved two parking spots for my red 3500 Chevy Silverado. I head into the building greeting everyone who passes by name, and the same greeting is to me with a happy smile, even after the football team lost last Friday. After school my friend calls me and asks that I help him move. Without second thought, I get in my truck and head to his house. Driving down the road listening to music, I blink and next thing I know my truck is totaled and on the other side of the road. Immediately, a woman, skinny, about 5’6 with blonde hair and blue eyes, stops to check on me. I insist that I am fine, but she stays with me until my father and the ambulance arrives. She was on her way home, but stopped and stayed with me to make sure I was okay. I smile, comforted by the embrace of Enterprise, Alabama.