After Reading Juarroz

All day the tree
has been falling
from its fruit.

The sound is terrible.

It’s the part
even hardened reporters
leave out of the story.

The fruits roll
into the ditch.

Even the wind,
even the flies,
in their sorrow,

will not touch them.

Andrea Cohen is the author of the poetry collections Everything (Four Way Books, 2021), Nightshade (Four Way Books, 2019), Unfathoming (Four Way Books, 2017), Furs Not Mine (Four Way Books, 2015), Kentucky Derby (Salmon Poetry, 2011), Long Division (Salmon Poetry, 2009), and The Cartographer’s Vacation (Owl Creek Press, 1999). Her poems have appeared in the New Yorker, the Threepenny Review, Poetry magazine, the Atlantic Monthly, and elsewhere.

She directs the Blacksmith House Poetry Series in Cambridge, Massachusetts.