Some Daybreak Stanzas for Our Daughters


The gibbous moon sits swollen among
the god amounts, passing an elsewhere

of those who know our daughters.

Experience & peril are both experimental,

from the root
per, to risk.
i call on figures whose atoms

might protect us while deer feed

on ferns with elderly brown spores.

Our daughters were born when our
lives were in chaos. After that,

we were able to love. Now

they live past our reach but

we’re sleepless when they have trouble.

They spend days sorting toxic minutes

from calmer layers, & their honesty

is rare in the working world.

One doe scratches an itch on
her back, jaw moving counter clockwise,

her smart nose reaching far into

the dawn. Her fawn spots merged

with sunlight long ago & will

circle the tree forever. The perceiving

mind is restless but can surround

the infinite stress of human love.

for HA & MN

Artwork by Allen Crawford